
  • AAC Assessments

    Many of my families who come to me do not have an AAC device or only have one through the school district and want one for their personal life. I offer AAC assessments to see if your child would be a good candidate for an AAC device as well as help set up the AAC device to fit your child's unique needs. To be effective, AAC devices need to make sense to the user and personalization is key. I work with each of my families to come up with a profile that best suits the needs of their child.

  • Behavioral Support

    Many of my clients who are nonverbal also have accompanying behavioral struggles. For those clients, I offer behavioral support as well. Behavioral support from me looks like me giving my client the communication they need to express how they're feeling as well as working with them to overcome their big feelings and emotions.

  • Community

    For clients that are looking for support in the community, I also offer community outings. This is where I accompany my client and their family to places where they typically have a challenging time and I help provide communication and behavioral support. Places I have gone in the past are Target, Costco, Disneyland, Legoland, movie theaters, swimming pools, libraries and other popular community destinations.

  • Consultations

    Do you think your child needs speech therapy, but are not exactly sure where to start? Maybe you have concerns that your child is not speaking as much as they should, but are not sure if they are just a little bit behind? Consultations with me are the perfect way to figure out what next steps are for your child. Early intervention is key and the sooner the client is able to receive services, the better outcomes they have! Click here for consultating options!

  • Educational Services

    I am available for consultations with my client's school therapy team. Many parents express frustration that the school and the private SLP are not on the same page and sometimes even seem to be working against each other. By working alongside the school therapy team, my clients are able to get a cohesive speech therapy program from me that seamlessly aligns with their school goals as well.

  • In Home Visits

    My therapy model is centered around in-home therapy, as I believe my clients learn best in the comfort of their own home. For clients that are within 15 miles of Yorba Linda, driving fees are included. For clients outside of the 15 mile radius, please message me, and we can discuss possible rates and fees.

  • Parent Education

    I come alongside the parents of my clients and help them learn how to support their child, whether it be learning how to communicate using the AAC device or how to work through meltdowns using the behavioral cycle.

  • Therapy

    I provide neurodiversity-affirming, play-based speech therapy tailored to the unique needs of each child. Recognizing that children thrive when they can move and engage in play, I create therapy sessions that allow them to be active and do what brings them joy. By honoring their natural preferences and strengths, I create a supportive environment where communication skills can develop organically and meaningfully.

  • Gestalt Language Processing

    I offer personalized therapy designed to support individuals who develop language through whole phrases rather than individual words. Having completed the "Meaningful Speech" course, I bring advanced knowledge and tailored strategies to help clients move from echolalia to spontaneous, meaningful speech. My approach focuses on understanding and nurturing each client’s unique communication style, empowering them to build functional language skills that enhance their ability to connect and communicate with the world around them.